Stop Yourself from Being Butchered: How Doctors and Surgeons Are Promoting Unnecessary Operations to Their Patients【電子書籍】[ Dueep Jyot Singh ]


<p>Table of Contents</p><p>Stop Yourself from Being Butchered<br />Table of Contents<br />Introduction<br />Surgery ? a Necessary Part of Allopathic Disease Symptom Management<br />Tonsils<br />Radiation Therapy<br />Spleen Removal<br />We Are Using Preventive Measures…<br />The Appendix<br />Conclusion<br />Author Bio<br />Publisher</p><p>Introduction</p><p>After I remove your spleen and tonsils, I will need to remove her appendix, her gallbladder, and her thyroid gland and we can talk about the payment method for all these operations later.</p><p>This book is an eye-opener, for all those people, who have been recommended surgery, sometime or the other in their lives, just because the doctors decided it necessary and so they had to go under the knife. And possibly they are still playing in the hands of the doctor, who has recommended another surgery, for their well-being.</p><p>Possibly, these people are still paying their bills for a surgery which was not necessary, and for which they are going to be billed for the next 2 decades. Yes, believe it or not, many of the surgeries which are being recommended by the medical associations all over the World today, are definitely not necessary.</p><p>Also, there are plenty of healthy organs in your body, which doctors removed, under the diagnosis of there is something wrong with them, and thus upset the natural system of the whole body. And so they have a patient forever, who has absolutely no immunity against diseases, which would otherwise have been tackled by a particular organ, which has been removed surgically. And so the doctor can keep drugging him throughout his life, and have a patient forever.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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